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Chinese translation for "board wages"



Related Translations:
wage:  n.〔常 pl. 〕1.工资。2.报应。短语和例子★ pl. 常作 sing. 用。 time wages 计时工资。 wages by the piece 计件工资。 at a wage [at wages] of $ ... a month 每月工资…美元。 get good wages 拿高薪。短语和例子wage2vt.1.实行,进行,作(战等) (on agains
minimum wage:  (法定)最低工资。
union wages:  工会规定的工资率。
incentive wage:  (增产)奖励工资。
wage level:  工资水平。
subsistence wages:  仅够维持生活的最低工资。
starvation wages:  (难以维持温饱的)极低工资。
wage day:  发工资日。
living wage:  生活工资。
wage differential:  工资差额。
Example Sentences:
1.An establishment was also made of six hundred person to be my domestics, who had board wages allowed for their maintenance .
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